Isaac spent the holiday weekend enjoying a lot of firsts. First fireworks, first ice cream, first time on a trampoline, first trip to Dutch Wonderland! Wow! The life of a two-year-old!
Perhaps the best part of these adventures is reliving them with Isaac afterwards. I showed him all of the pictures from this entry and he's able to narrate what's happening in the picture and who he's with, with pure joy.
first ice cream cone |
first water slide |
Last week, Isaac, Daddy, Grandma, and Connie made a visit to Shepherdstown to visit Aunt Karen. Isaac had such a great time, and came home saying "go visit Aunt Karen again soon?". The highlight of his trip was jumping on the big trampoline with Gracie and Lucia. But he was also excited to pick out some fish to bring home for our pond!
On Sunday morning our chicken coop was delivered! Once everything is exactly in place, with the run and everything we'll definitely post a full reveal, but here are some clips of Isaac's first look at the "chicken house". After spending a whole fun day with Mommom and CharliePop, he walked through the yard and knew exactly what the new big structure was.
Stuck in the nesting box! |
On Sunday night we made the very last minute decision to drive around and try to find a little fireworks display for Isaac. While driving around we saw cars pulling over in the grass and decided to tag along and hope for the best. Isaac was really impressed the first 7 minutes of the fireworks, pointing and giving very enthusiastic "Whoa"s with every burst. But having "free" reign in the car quickly became more interesting, as he wiggled and fought to climb over seats and check out everything but the fireworks. It took Mommy making up silly fireworks songs to the tune of "Mary had a Little Lamb" (over. and over. and OVER again) to get Isaac to relax and sit still.

Then on Monday we drove up to Jarrettsville to see the Ernsts at Uncle Tom's and Grandma's new farmhouse residence. On the way we stopped at the Jarrettsville Creamery & Deli for lunch for Isaac's very first ice cream cone! Of course, Isaac loved his strawberry cake cone, but he really ate it like a pro (like he'd had one before?!)! He also had fun at Uncle Tom's, especially exploring all of the fun stuff outside, like lots of tractors, and parts, and various machinery. He identified a lot of the things he saw rather accurately, but the things he wasn't so sure of he just labeled as "heavy!".
My morning greeting while I was drinking an early coffee on the deck |
Checking out the menu, making his selection! |

Things only continued to get more exciting as we took a day trip to Dutch Wonderland on Tuesday, where Isaac had a "Dutch Wonderful" day! Isaac had an absolute blast. He rode pretty much every possible ride he was able to, and loved every one of them (except the Astroliner, which he politely announced to Daddy about halfway through, "Acky no like this".) Isaac loved the more thrilling rides the most. I'm pretty sure we've got a future roller coaster enthusiast on our hands. We spent the first couple of hours at the park just riding as many rides as possible. Then Isaac asked for a snack, so we decided to leave the park for a lunch break. On the stroller ride out of the park, Isaac was barely able to keep his eyes open as he ate his snack. He ate the rest of his lunch in the car while we took a nice scenic drive around, eventually getting in a 45 minute nap. We spent a few more hours on rides before deciding to check out the water park since Isaac was still going strong. This was definitely the highlight of the day. Isaac went down the tube water slide twice, and then had a blast in the water playground area, giggling and having so much fun going down the water slides. He finally requested to eat (after many offers), and as he sat in Mommy's lap eating an entire sandwich, we decided it was time to make our escape and head home after a full day. We left the park around 7pm, much later than we planned, but Isaac was so good all day and had so much fun that we just had to stay!

His very first ride: the Dragon Lair |
Can't see his face, but he LOVED this rough roller coaster ride |
Which way? "That way!" |
Enjoying the gondola ride:
Where to next? |
Isaac was REALLY unsure about the statues of an Amish couple. Here is his reaction, followed by a picture of what he's looking at.
Then we tried to get a photo op with this pretzel. Obviously Isaac was ready for a snack because his response to, "Isaac come stand next to the pretzel" was to (repeatedly!!) try to take a bite out of it!
Trying to milk a cow:
Finally got to try out a merry-go-round!
Family selfie on the long-anticipated train ride! |
If looks could kill! Who has time for cheesy photo ops when there are rides to get on? |
He went on this ride twice. The second time another little boy hopped in with him, and once Isaac realized he wasn't alone, he had the funniest smile on his face (which I couldn't quite capture on camera)!
Isaac really enjoyed the rides, but he had a perma-smile on his face once we got to the water park!
taking a quick break |
peanut butter jelly time! |
The stroll back to the car after a Dutch Wonderful day! |
"Watching music" on the ride home. We left at 7pm and this guy stayed awake on the whole 90-minute ride home!