We had a really nice Christmas at the Ernst-Rest abode. We were excited to start some new traditions and celebrate the season with Isaac, who was more in tune to "the magic" this year!
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grizzly bear butt flap! |
On Christmas Eve, Mommy had to play piano for some back-to-back masses, so Daddy took care of dinner for Isaac, got him dressed in his fancy outfit, and brought him to church for the 6:00 mass.
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singing with Ms. Alice |
When we got home, we tried to get a few pictures of Isaac in his cute Christmas outfit before putting him down for bed so he could get a good night's sleep for Santa, and Mommy and Daddy could enjoy a (late) Christmas Eve dinner of homemade crabcakes, french onion soup, brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes. Yum!
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Thanks to the KRINGL app we caught Santa delivering the gifts! |
After dinner, Mommy & Daddy did their traditional homemade ornament exchange.
Christmas morning, Isaac woke up saying "Ho-ho-ho?" We were all very excited to go downstairs and see what Santa had brought! Isaac's big gift this year was a play kitchen. We covered it in the same red tablecloth that Mommom used to cover Mommy's keyboard she got from Santa when she was in 3rd grade. Isaac was excited to open gifts, and while he seemed to be happy with everything he opened (except maybe the clothes...rather indifferent there), he really enjoyed his new picture book, and spent a good part of the morning looking through it.
helping Daddy with his gifts:
There was an apple in the toe of Isaac's stocking and he was SO excited to climb into the rocking chair to eat every last bite, except for the stem.
Isaac really enjoyed listening to Daddy read him his letter from Santa, often chiming in with a timely and passionate "uh-huh" when he mentioned what a good boy Isaac has been.
Then it was time for more presents with Mommom and CharliePop. Isaac enjoyed delivering gifts and checking out Mommom's new photobook and CharliePop's photo calendar full of Isaac pictures.
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ready to open more presents! |
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an "inspirational quote" Isaac t-shirt |
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someone is very excited for homemade pasta |

After a nap, and before we headed out out for our other stops, we tried to get a few pictures of Isaac dressed up. At first he was a bit uncooperative, but eventually warmed up after we showed him some pages from his photo book.
We tried for a family selfie, and then laughed very hard at how tiny Isaac looked.
(It was really hard keeping that shirt tucked in! But, those knickers! Gah!)
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standing guard over the gift opening |
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taking care of trash duty |
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turning the huge tree on and off |
Then it was off to Mom-mom-mom's! We (mostly Daddy) got pretty soaked traveling to and from the car getting to the rest of our destinations. Crazy Christmas weather!
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Declan & Isaac's first "matching" gift! |
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quality time with BeatBo |
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Cousins picture! |
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tickling Declan's toes |
After Christmas Day, the partying continued! On Sunday we had Mommom & CharliePop's "non" Tree Trim. During the Christmas carols, Isaac had fun dancing with Declan and then joined in at the piano with Mommy, not doing too bad of a job staying in key with us!
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playing Mr. Joe's guitar |
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Dancing with Declan |
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Twins! |
Monday was yet another party! We hosted a happy hour for Mommy's choir and co-musicians. Isaac was really cooperative during the day while we got the house cleaned. He enjoyed a snack of blueberries, on the floor, with Allie sitting patiently waiting for Isaac to share. Isaac got up several times to ask for "More...please" and then went back to sitting on the floor while he waited for more blueberries. At the party, Isaac enjoyed spending time with everyone, but also spent some time playing by himself and looking at pictures.
When not partying or napping or running errands, Isaac has been enjoying his fun new gifts at home. He's been cooking in his kitchen, with his favorite part being the phone. While he loves saying "ring-ring" and "hello" and then passing the phone on to someone, he refuses to "take the call", adamantly shaking his head no when someone says the phone is for him. He's been drilling with his new tool box, making toast in his toaster, sorting shapes, playing with his flash light and barn, and having lots of dance parties with BeatBo!
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dance party! |
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ready to head out with his wallet in his back pocket |
Isaac's new parking garage and zoo:
Then of course, there is Isaac's favorite time of day: apple time. He pretty much starts his day asking for an apple. We usually wait until afternoon/evening to give him this special treat, and Isaac is very excited to sit down and enjoy what seems to be his new favorite food. He's been eating the entire thing, except for the stem and maybe a seed or two (which concerned Mommy the first time he did it, but apparently it's very good for you. Read about it here!). At church on Sunday he loudly requested an apple, and Mommy whispered he could have one when we got home (to which he responded with an accepting "uh-huh"), and as soon as we got home, he began asking for his apple again until we presented him with it.
We also made it back to the Iron Rooster for a visit and brunch outing with Daddy's cousin Michele visiting from San Francisco, her boyfriend Dominic, Grandpa, Aunt Debbie, and her good friend Sue. Isaac was happy to chat and play peekaboo with everyone.
This was our last entry of 2015! Happy New Year and we'll see you in 2016!