Sweet Sir Isaac got to celebrate his 3rd birthday with a weekend of fun, starting with an extra special day at school. Since Isaac's birthday fell on Sunday, he got to celebrate in school on Friday, which happened to be St. Patrick's Day. Isaac's special day at school started with him receiving a very nice gift from his teachers, which as he opened it, asked, "Did this come from Costco?" (Mommy isn't sure whether she should be proud or embarrassed!) and was able to wear a party hat while he classmates wished him excited happy birthday wishes. He was still proudly wearing his hat when Mommy joined them in the afternoon for their party, where she brought green spinach muffins (in an attempt to be festive yet healthy). Isaac's class sang him "Happy Birthday" and then they got to enjoy some special* balloon fun! Here is a VIDEO of the birthday song, which Isaac has watched dozens of times with the cutest smile on his face. Hanging his tongue out of his mouth seems to be his new reaction to being happy yet embarrassed with attention (you may even notice he's a bit chapped under his lip from doing it so often lately!). Mommy really enjoyed her afternoon in Isaac's classroom seeing him interact with his teachers and classmates.
sweet little leprechaun |

*How many times can I use the word "special" in one blog entry? Let's find out!
Then on Saturday, Daddy and Isaac had a special father-son day while Mommy got things ready for the party. Perhaps the most important stop on their outing was for a long overdue haircut! Isaac apparently acted like a celebrity in the salon. And when Daddy was offered something to drink, Isaac chimed in with, "I would like some water."
a "before" picture |

Sunday was THE big day! Isaac woke up so excited about being 3 ("I'm free!"). He asked Mommy what her "number" was, and when she told him, he said, "Wow! O-tay!" with a mix of shock and acceptance. When he asked daddy the same question he said, "Oh, Daddy...you old?" We went downstairs for a birthday breakfast of homemade muffins and sausage cut in the shape of 3's. When we got downstairs Isaac saw his birthday hat from school and said, "I'm 3! Can I wear my birfday hat?" And of course we sang "Happy Birthday". VIDEO HERE
Then we went and opened some gifts. (Earlier in the morning Isaac was looking at pictures on Mommy's phone and accidentally came across a picture of his wrapped presents she had taken the day before and Isaac exclaimed, "Oooh! I want to have presents like that one day!") VIDEO HERE
Then we got to play with some of our new gifts. After we got used to the texture, Isaac had fun with his new "paint dough"
having some pre-party "Goldie Fish" and trying out the piggy nose cups |
Mommy had taken the morning off from church that day, but that was before it turned out to be a special occasion for Father Tom's farewell service. So Mommy and Isaac stopped by for the reception later in the morning where Isaac got many happy birthday wishes, a birthday blessing from Fr. D, and even got to open some fun gifts from Ms. Barb! Then we went to Ms. Helena's house to pick up Isaac's Peppa cake!
When we got home, Isaac agreed that he would take a nap first and then we'd have his party. As we walked up the stairs to his room, he matter-of-factly greeted Allie with, "Hello, Allie. I'm going to take a nap and then I'm going to have a party and my friends are coming over." Isaac came downstairs after his nap and we heard him excitedly exclaiming as he discovered the various Peppa Pig decorations. "Oh! Look at that! A big Peppa Pig balloon! I like it!" ..."Oh! look at those plates! I like it!"
Isaac was so excited when his friends arrived!
Then we tried some very chaotic party games..."Musical Muddy Puddles" (puddles courtesy of Mommom & CharliePop and Mom-mom-mom's fabric stash). and "Pin the Tail on the Peppa Pig".
Here are some videos of Declan and Isaac warming up the muddy puddles before the (equally less organized) "game" portion. VIDEO 1 and VIDEO 2
Then it was time for birthday cake and CharliePop's annual birthday prayer. As excited as Isaac was for all of the celebrating, he got incredibly bashful as he became the literal center of attention in front of his 3 dozen party guests, as you can see in this VIDEO.
Then it was time to open presents! Again, Isaac was super excited about the gifts, but a little bashful about actually saying thank you and focusing on the task at hand. Thanks to Declan for keeping the party events running smoothly! ;)
Sandy crocheted this awesome egg-collecting apron for Isaac...but Mommy may have to "borrow" it!! :) |
Then the boys somehow managed to escape outside and have some actual muddy puddle fun, thanks to the big, wet snowflakes from the morning dusting (no one is owning up to how they wound up outside). Lots of fun and incredibly muddy shoes followed. Mommy tried to get some "group shots" of the kids, but as you can see that was not very successful.
Thanks to everyone who helped make Isaac's 3rd birthday so extra special!!!