Friday, March 31, 2017

Marching Through March

Ok, here is a quick hodgepodge of pictures from the beginning of March and the week after Isaac's birthday. 

Fun at Storyville:

During Mommy's spring break we had a snow day! Isaac was excited to look out the window to see the white stuff outside, which inspired some singing. VIDEO HERE We started the day with a snow day breakfast and some cardboard box coloring (thanks to Jodi for the idea!). We also had some music fun playing instruments and having a dance party to Isaac's request of Christmas music. VIDEO HERE and HERE. When the wet, icy snow finally stopped falling after naptime we went outside to play in the snow a bit. It was a very wet, heavy snow, but we somehow managed to make a small tabletop snowman and throw a few snowballs. VIDEO HERE

Helping Daddy take out the trash in his "comfy pants":

After his birthday we had fun playing with his new toys. One day sitting at the counter, Isaac practiced blowing out candles. We used the napkin to practice blowing air and seeing it move. Isaac found this very entertaining. He also played some of his new board games, and got to get all decked out in his protective gear and ride his new scooter from Sandy & Buddy (how cute are those gloves and knee pads?). He also found the George Pig PJs from Aunt Margie and was so excited about it that he put them on over his clothes! He has been doing a great job "reading" from the fairy tales book from Mommom & CharliePop and using tangram shapes to make cool animal puzzles. VIDEO HERE of Isaac reading the Three Little Bears.

Turning 3 has also brought on a very clingy stage for Isaac. At bedtime he has been insisting on touching Mommy's tummy in some way, either snuggling or using it as a pillow. Bedtime has taken a bit longer lately, but Mommy doesn't really mind the extra cuddles, especially after not seeing him all day. 

helping Mommy ball her yarn

enjoying a donut after our walk to Paradise

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