June was FULL of adventures! We had our fair share of water fun. Isaac has had a lot of fun with his silly new caterpillar sprinkler. He also really started to get the hang of his water squirters, too.
New Sprinkler - VIDEO

Mommom came across Mommy's old YMCA ID card, and she couldn't help but see a resemblance to Isaac in the eyes and nose...and even in the very serious expression that often covers Isaac's face.
On the first official day of summer we had our very belated 3-year well visit** where Dr. Beams happened to mention how she was going to spend the longest night of the year looking for fireflies. This was something Mommy realized Isaac hadn't really experienced yet, so after bath time that night we had a special treat of running around the yard trying to catch lightning bugs. Isaac had a BLAST chasing and trying to catch them and giggling when Mommy or Daddy would catch one and try to pass them on to him. The pictures are blurry, but they do well at capturing the bliss in motion.
**Speaking of well visit, Isaac measured in at 31 pounds, 38 inches AND he was above the cut-offs in all categories of his developmental screening! :) Go Isaac!
June was full of many, many Baltimore outings!
We had a family night at the aquarium (which Isaac has randomly and cutely started calling the "Aquari-arium") thanks to some free passes Daddy got from work. Isaac was absolutely NOT interested in having his picture taken.
Earlier in the day, Mommy and Isaac had an outing to the Science Center where we decided to buy Isaac a membership since he is no longer free and because it's one of the top places he always asks to go!
Mommy also took Isaac to the family planetarium show at CCBC. Isaac had been here once before with Daddy, and he seemed to recognize his surroundings and be excited for the show, but the moment the show began Isaac threw his head down and stayed curled up in Mommy's lap the entire show. Mommy thought maybe he was scared or upset for some reason, but once it was over Isaac insisted it was not time to go yet and that he wanted to stay longer...despite seeming to have completely disliked the show!
We had a fun playdate at the Baltimore Zoo with Jodi, Jarrett and June. Jarrett showed Isaac all around and they had fun exploring. Isaac was most interested in the elephants who were particularly active and playful. Isaac also enjoyed brushing the goats'...rear ends! And both boys had a blast climbing around and chasing each other on the playground. After a quick stop to MOMS and driving Isaac past his new school so he could see the outside, Isaac fell quickly asleep, and stayed asleep as Mommy transferred him in the house (which is a total rarity!) where he snuggled with Daddy for a long afternoon.
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Cutely waving to people from the train |
And yet another fun day in Baltimore was when Isaac got to join Mommy at her old school for her BEES summer camp. Daddy had an appointment in the morning, so Isaac got to go to work with Mommy where he played on the playground at school for a few hours before going on a walk to the harbor. Mommy figured Isaac would get tired at some point, but she did not expect him to need to be carried for most of the 2 mile walk, give or take a few short blocks. Isaac really loved the stop at Pierce's Park where he hung out with the big kids.
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Holding hands with his adorable new friends |
At lunch time, Mommy and Isaac met Daddy so they could make the drive to Fenwick Island to stay at Aunt Kim's beach house for the night! Before they parted ways, Isaac enjoyed some quick running around in the splash pad.
Daddy and Isaac didn't waste any time when they arrived as they changed and went straight to the beach. That night Isaac called to tell Mommy about his beach fun and how he saw a whale, and then he had a long anticipated movie night with Aunt Kim to watch Shrek. Thanks to Uncle Mike for sending Mommy lots of pictures since Daddy's phone died! Early the next morning Isaac announced it was time for everyone to wake up and go to the beach. After some morning beach time they got to explore the cool splash pad area in the beach house community.
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Up early and ready for beach fun! |
We celebrated Father's Day by going to the St. Charles' picnic at Patapsco. Isaac spent most of the time at the awesome new playground. After the picnic we went home where Daddy and Isaac went "fishing" in the pond, and Isaac enjoyed getting permission to gently dip his feet in the water. We ended the day with a visit from Poo-Pa, eating honey beer bread and watching golf.
Isaac had his very last day of school at All About Children (his first ever public daycare/watched by strangers experience) at the end of the month. Isaac had been very interested in playing limbo, thanks to watching Peppa Pig, and during his last week Mommy suggested he ask his teachers if they could play limbo at school. To which Isaac responded verbatim, "Yes, that is a good idea, Mommy, because we do not have ANY garden games at school." Isaac had a great last day, playing limbo, having balloon fun, and being presented with a sweet poster from his teachers with a collage of photos from his classmates and staff, each holding up a letter that spelled, "We will miss you, Isaac!" Isaac stared at it adorably and longingly on the whole long carride to Annapolis, where we had a special "School's Out For Summer" family outing to the mall (for some quick errands...Isaac was not happy to leave so quickly), and then out for pizza, frozen yogurt and a surprise live music treat in the square. Despite appearing to be very reserved and unhappy, Isaac loved taking in the music and many dancing kids. We tried to leave several times (particularly because of Isaac's sullen state), but each time Isaac got so sad to leave the music, so we'd go back and he would yet again get entranced.
With everyone out of school for summer, Isaac seemed to think the summer dress code was REALLY casual. One morning Mommy called Isaac downstairs to tell him his breakfast was ready, and this is how she found him sitting at the counter:
And then there was some naked frozen watermelon eating after taking off wet clothes from outside.
Isaac has really mastered pedaling his trike and enjoyed a lot of time riding around the driveway.
Lots of snuggling:
We got a new kamado grill (yum!) and Mommy thought some of the packaging looked like it would be interesting to Isaac. He cleverly made one of the funny octopus-like foam pieces into a breakfast table, asking Daddy to go get him a small chair to sit at his table.
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trying out his new dachshund hot dog slicer |
Isaac explored the water a little bit during bath time, finding confidence in laying back in the water. He was quite proud of himself!
And with Mommom home recovering from her surgery, June held a lot of visits to Mommom and CharliePop. Isaac was pretty good about being careful around Mommom's arm, and asking her how her boo-boo was doing and how she was feeling. For the first week home, Mommom had a rather noisy "suction" machine attached to her arm that ran 24/7 with a very noticeable humming sound. During one of our visits, a movie night, out of the blue Isaac very sweetly asked, "Mommom, is your boo-boo feeling better?" to which Mommom responded, "It's getting there. Thank you for asking!" And Isaac rather annoyed said, "Then turn off the boo-boo machine. It's too loud!" Well, so much for selfless concern!
On one of our walks to Mommom's, Isaac collected an armful of pine cones that he insisted on taking to Mommom to "feel her better" (translation: make her feel better).
Isaac has really gotten into imaginary play this summer. On yet another visit to Mommom's, Isaac wanted to take his ride-on car (Which Aunt Margie gave him for his FIRST birthday, and he plays with it now more than ever!). Isaac had so much fun "driving" around the screen porch taking Mommom's order and delivering her various requests, over and over again. Occasionally changing course and asking for directions such as, "Which way is Ocean City?"
One thing that was consistent with all of our visits to Mommom's was his constant request of "snacks". While we often visited for dinner, Isaac ate and asked for food for most of the visit, eating who knows how many granola bars and other snacks from Mommom & CharliePop's cabinets!
We also had a fun family meeting at Sandy's to plan our meals and what we needed to take for our big trip to OBX in August!!
The chickens also enjoyed some backyard fun, and finally discovered the pond.