Monday, May 19, 2014

2 months +4 lbs

Little Isaac is 2 months old today and we had quite a busy day! We started at "Baby & Mommy Yoga".  Isaac was a little cranky during this time and spent the first part of the class fussing, the middle part of the class sleeping, and the last part of the class eating. So maybe yoga isn't for us just yet!

off to yoga--still squeezing into newborn clothes

Then we went to Isaac's 2-month checkup where he weighed in at 10 lbs 5 oz putting him in just the 20th percentile for weight and 50th for height.  Dr. Beams seemed very happy with his growth and development so far.  

Finally it was home for our 2 month photo shoot...

"photobombed" by Allie

Allie trying to sneak in some kisses

Allie curled up with her best friend

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