Monday, May 5, 2014

Hello, May!

There isn't too much to report in Isaac's world.  Each day he is getting more and more attentive and showing more interest in some of his toys. He is moving around more, and is especially active and bubbly first thing in the morning.  It is hard to get footage at this time of day since it is still dark (and Sir Isaac does not appreciate it when the flash is on), but here is a little video of the wiggle worm:

Good morning grins:

Isaac experienced his first party at home and got to meet more family members at his cousin Dana's bridal shower.  He was a perfect gentleman the whole time.  He got to meet cousin Dana, great aunts Mary and Felicia, and many other new faces.  Grandma Ernst had a great idea to get a "4 generations" picture. So we called Grandpa Charlie (from here on out to be referred to as "Poppop" at the author's request) and got a shot with the 4 generations of Ernsts, each about 30 years apart. 

It was a lot of work getting the house clean for the shower while caring for an infant. Everything seemed to take twice as long as it used to! Isaac seemed to know Mommy needed a hug after a long week of cleaning.

Tonight was Daddy's first time giving Isaac a bath.  He waited ever-so-patiently while Daddy got everything together.  

Hmm...not too sure about this...

Isaac seems to have hit another growth spurt and has had some very inconsolable moments.  For instance, this afternoon Mommy just could not get him to go down for a nap.  So she put him in his Moby wrap and played George Winston's "Joy" on piano (which is a song she played a lot to Isaac when he was still in utero). It could have been purely coincidental, but within moments Isaac calmed down and went right to sleep. 

We also had some quality time with Debbie on Friday and got to hear all about her awesome trip to Mexico.  The three of us went on a long walk since the weather was so nice, and then stopped at Matsu on the way back home so Mommy could finally have some sushi after 9+ months! While Mommy drooled-- I mean, read over the menu, Debbie had some fun with Isaac.

Everyone is always so happy when Daddy gets home after a long day at work - especially Lady & Allie! One day Allie took advantage of Daddy having his hands full with Isaac and attacked him with kisses. 

Isaac has discovered his hand can be a tasty, calming treat and every now and then slurps on it soothingly. Here is a picture (adorable slurping sound not included):

And he is starting to reach out and grab onto things. The other night he surprised Daddy while he had his mouth open in a yawn and popped his whole fist in his mouth!

We've been using cloth diapers 95% of the time, but since we still have some newborn sized diapers we've been using them at night so they don't go to waste.  Isaac always looks extra tiny in them since the cloth diapers can be so thick and bulky. 

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