Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

It has been a busy break so far home with Daddy! We've been spending a lot of time with family and also getting things done around the house.

plaid twins

Daddy got to join us for Physical Therapy this week and it was a particularly fun visit, with Isaac getting to play with some new toys and checking himself out on the full wall mirror, giving his reflection kisses. Lisa his physical therapist says he continues to make great progress and is right on track developmentally. He always takes great naps after working so hard at PT.

We've been working on organizing our basement and closets.  Isaac has been having fun exploring the bins.

We also got to spend time with aunt Debbie visiting from Florida, cousin Michelle from London, and cousin Kevin from Reading, PA. After we went out to lunch at G&M with everyone, Isaac was supposed to take a nap but decided to use this time to pull himself to standing for the first time. He was quite proud of himself. 

On New Years Eve we finally got in to see Dr. Beams for our 9 month well visit.  Our growing boy weighs 17 pounds, 3 ounces in the 25th percentile and is 27.75 inches long in the 50th percentile. He also has 3 more teeth coming in, which will bring him up to 10 chompers. Dr. Beams kept saying how social and fun Isaac's personality was and that usually babies his age are a little more timid around newer people. He's also started waving hello and goodbye.

Isaac made a bit of a mess of the exam table

Then we came home to relax a bit before heading out for an early sushi dinner. This was the first time Isaac had Japanese food.  He had some veggie tempura, and also ate ALL of our salmon sashimi (raw slices of salmon) and some of our Alaska roll.  He seemed to really love every bite!
green bean tempura

salmon sashimi

Alaska roll

in between bites, Isaac was busy making friends with the wait staff and other diners

After dinner we went home, put Isaac to bed and watched a movie. Isaac slept until 11:55pm. I guess he wanted to be up to wish us a Happy New Year.  Once 2015 came around, Isaac went back to bed and slept until 5am.  This was the best night's sleep he's had since before he got sick so we're hoping this is a new trend now that our guy is back to normal.

Happy New Year!

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