Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Last Night as a Baby

Yes, we are blogging about Isaac's last official night as a baby. Pitiful, we know!

Isaac spent the day with Aunt Margie and Declan while Mommy taught at CCBC.  Apparently he played so hard today he actually fell asleep mid crawl while playing! He hasn't fallen asleep while playing since he was probably 3 months old.  That little power nap, however, explains why Isaac had so much energy before his afternoon nap time.  He showed Mommy he had no interest in falling asleep but wanted to dance and jump around in his crib instead. 

Before Isaac went to bed we told him the story about the night he was born and then had a lot of laughs and smiles before bedtime.  This time last year we had just finished a nice dinner complete with a surprise cupcake and had talked about our plans for the next 2 weeks until "the baby" arrived.  A few hours later while getting ready for bed, Mommy's water broke and just a few more hours after that, we met our sweet Isaac for the first time. 

Here Isaac seems to be saying, "enough pictures already!10,000 pictures is plenty for 1 year!" (yes, we have taken close to 10,000 pictures of Isaac so far...slightly embarrassing!)

going to sleep as an 11 month old...will wake up as a 1 year old!

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