Saturday, February 4, 2017

And...the last half of January 2017!

The last few weeks have been pretty busy and eventful, but perhaps our most eggciting news is that a couple of our chickens have started producing eggs! On January 22 one of the Buff Orpingtons gave us our first egg, and then about a week later one of the Easter Eggers started giving us some GREEN eggs! Isaac has been very excited to see the fresh eggs enter the house and even more excited to show them off to any visitors that we have. 

We've continued to have some more fun outings. One rainy day we went back to Storyville. Isaac particularly enjoyed feeding the baby dolls and putting on some puppet shows.

Every time we go I try to catch an American Gothic picture, but he's just way too fast!

CharliePop was off one Friday and offered to watch Isaac for a few hours. So Mommy took advantage of the time to "assemble" his new train set. It took over an hour, but Mommy was pretty proud of how it turned out. Isaac was very excited, too, but the setup only lasted about 6.5 minutes, with Isaac asking Mommy to "fix" the destroyed track. Mommy explained that she had worked very hard on putting it together and that he needed to be more careful to which Isaac replied, "well then, Mommy, you can work really hard on it, again!"

And, we had ANOTHER outing of Isaac's favorite trifecta: Science Center, 3 Bean, Playground.

We discovered some dress up clothes this time. Isaac had a lot of fun with the stethoscope playing Dr. Beams, checking Mommy's heart and telling her "Everything sounds great, Mommy! You don't need any medicine. See you soon!"

From there we headed across the street to 3 Bean where Mommy enjoyed a very fancy latte while Isaac ate a muffin the size of his head and played with their fun toys. 

Then up the many stairs to the playground...

Isaac had a lot of fun working the gears in order to release the marbles

I told Isaac it was time to go and that he could go down the slide just one more time. This clever little procrastinator went over to this map and said, "I'm just driving the ship, Mommy. The map says we have to go there (points on map). It's far, far away. Past all those big buildings!"

We also checked out Noah's House where, after warming up, Isaac had a blast burning off energy in the ball pit, slide, and moon bounce.

Isaac had his first dental visit this week. The morning leading up to the appointment was an emotional roller coaster with Isaac being accepting of going to see the dentist one minute, to completely panicking over the idea the next. Mommy wasn't sure quite what to expect when we got there. Isaac wound up doing a fantastic job. The fun waiting room certainly helped. We actually wound up staying for another 30 minutes after the appointment where Isaac played with all of the fun things in the waiting room, including a Pac Man arcade game!

The puppets from Mommom continue to provide countless minutes of entertainment!

As do the music instruments from CharliePop...(while watching back-to-back Wagon Wheel videos)

The cushion of one of our stools fell off one night. While Isaac started to "fix" it, he sang, "Do your best. Your best is the best for you!" (Thanks, Daniel Tiger!)

Long day!

"Hello! I'm astronaut! What's your name?"

Fun with Daddy! Horse rides and belly blurps!

Isaac went and "raided" the kitchen and returned with a huge jar of applesauce he found in the cabinet as well as a bowl to put it in!

Lots of cuddly moments with his four-legged friends:

We had a fun series of Allie-Isaac selfies and there were just too many cute ones to choose just one!

Allie looks like she's smiling here

photo bomb

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