Thursday, February 2, 2017

The first 2 weeks of 2017

Happy New Year...33 days late!

We (almost) rang in the New Year at "Declan's House" (and his parents', too!) celebrating at a party where Isaac seemed to have a great time playing with his friends, even though he spent half the time completely content playing in Declan's room by himself. We headed home shortly after 11 where we quickly took a final 2016 family selfie and got Isaac to bed right at the stroke of midnight.

We kicked off 2017 with some baking. Isaac helped Mommy make some oatmeal raisin cookies using a mix Daddy was gifted.

We also celebrated Daddy's birthday by going out to dinner with Poo-pa one night, and having cupcakes with Mommom & CharliePop another. Isaac got a bit fussy by the end of the night and seemed to have mixed emotions over the bike Daddy got for his birthday.

Then there was the "frozen peas" incident. Mommy makes homemade dog food for Lady and as she went down to the box freezer to grab the new, Costco-sized bag of frozen peas, the bag busted open and spewed all over the deck-plank basement floor. This turned into a "peas for everyone" event, as Mommy scooped up a majority of the peas and shared them with the chickens, while Isaac came down to "help" and helped himself to the remaining peas on the ground, laughing and saying, "These peas are cold and fuzzy!"

We finally made it out to Robinson Nature Center where Isaac had fun with all of the fun activities in the Discovery Room.

listening for the ocean...

And of course we can't go more than 2 weeks without a trip to the Science Center, 3 Bean, and Fed Hill Playground!

We have officially moved on from the highchair, and Isaac has been eating most of his meals at the breakfast bar. What a big boy!! And as you can see, the dress code for meal time is apparently pj's or no pants, depending on the time of day.

"This bacon is so crunchy!

Isaac also got to join Daddy for a spaghetti dinner & talent show at his school.

And a few other funny shots from the beginning of January:

Waiting for Daddy to get home from his walk.
sleeping like a baby

Singing some Johnny Cash (by request of course) with Jim and Hector after an at-home choir practice.

Mommy's favorite moment-of-the-month...a lazy Saturday morning snuggled on the couch with coffee, wiener dogs, and Sweet Sir Isaac reading books.

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