Monday, July 17, 2017

All About April

Well, long time no see! Things have been quite busy around here and catching up on the blog has fallen by the wayside. In an effort to play catch-up, here are some updates on what we can remember about April. Some May updates will some point!

Let's see...I guess the big event in April was Easter! Isaac excitedly gifted his teachers with some fresh eggs from our chickens (after being asked to share pictures and stories with this classmates!). Then Isaac helped Mommy try to recreate Mom-mom-mom's Italian cookies. He wasn't much help with rolling the dough, but he did do a pretty good job putting the sprinkles on. On Easter Sunday, after discovering the goodies left behind by the Easter bunny, we went to church, where Isaac was very uncooperative in getting a pictures in his adorable Jack & Janie outfit from Mommom. Then we hosted lunch or dinner...I can't even remember!...complete with marshmallow peep-tinis. And, here is a VIDEO from Easter morning

We had quite a few movie nights with Mommom and CharliePop too:

April held an assortment of other outings as well, such as a family dinner at the Iron Rooster where Isaac enjoyed sharing a homemade poptart, a visit to Kinder Farm, and celebrating Henry's 1st birthday at Helena's, where Isaac intently observed and took in the "X marks the spot" scavenger hunt, Pooh photobooth props, and decorating his own cookie.

Isaac has been really into "snuggling", so we had a lot of cozy time on the couch. He has also been demonstrating more an d more imaginary play, making bulletproof coffee in his kitchen. 

While Isaac demonstrates with very grumpy meltdowns that he still benefits from an afternoon nap, getting him to take one is getting to be more and more challenging despite his signs of exhaustion. Here are a few videos Mommy got when he should have been napping:

VIDEO - I Had a Little Turtle

VIDEO - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

VIDEO - Pattern Blocks

VIDEO - More Pattern Blocks

VIDEO - Brown Bear 

(We had many attempts at trying to catch Isaac's "reading" of Brown Bear, but whenever I tried to film on "selfie mode" Isaac got really distracted watching himself, so this is the best version I've been able to record."

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