Wednesday, March 26, 2014

First Week Home

Isaac's first week home brought many, many visitors.  So many people wanted to meet him! There was Aunt Kim, Uncle Mike and cousins Maddie and Katie, Grandpa Larry, Liz & Derek, Jodi, Tim, and the DeBoys. Everyday there were new faces to meet! 

On Monday Isaac also got to meet his pediatrician, Dr. Beams. We love her! With the help of Ann the lactation consultant, they were able to quickly fix Isaac's tongue tie and he instantly was able to latch on and nurse like a pro! Finally, Mommy could stop pumping 10 times a day! Hooray! 

Isaac is still having trouble understanding that nighttime is for sleeping and daytime is when he should be most awake, but each night gets a little better.  For now, being woken up at 2am isn't so bad when you get to look at such a sweet little face.  

Isaac wearing one of Mommy's old undershirts. Can't believe how big it is on him!

Isaac's post-milk face

Peacefully napping on Mommy

Loving his beanbag chair from Uncle Tom

Enjoying some swing time.

Finally caught the elusive Isaac smile on camera

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