Thursday, March 27, 2014

Isaac and the Wiener Dogs

Everyone has been so curious about how the dogs have been doing with the addition of Isaac, and the short answer is "great"! Lady appears pretty indifferent for now, giving us space and being more patient with her affections. Allie has taken her job of Baby Rest's guard dog very seriously. She can be found in whatever room Isaac is in and when he's upset she is very in tune to how Mommy and Daddy plan to help. Allie who is known for molesting you with her kisses has been oh-so-careful when she approaches Isaac, giving gentle sniffs and sneaking in the slightest little lick on his ear. 
Our pregnancy announcement

Allie just keeping an eye on her new best friend

Both dogs staying close by

We laid Isaac down for a moment and Allie slowly came over and cuddled next to him

Doxie pillow

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