Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome Isaac!

It was Tuesday, March 18 and Daddy had just made a really nice dinner of grilled pork, mashed sweet potatoes and roasted broccoli followed by a delicious surprise cupcake for dessert.  Over dinner Mommy and Daddy talked about Mommy's plans at school for her last three days and all of the things she would get accomplished the following week while she was off waiting for Baby Rest to arrive. Around 9:30pm Mommy and Daddy were getting ready for bed. Mommy bent down to change into her pajamas and felt a "gush".  She waddled to the bathroom and told Daddy she thought her water broke.  After some stunned silence, Daddy asked if maybe Mommy had (hopefully) just peed herself? Ha-ha. No such luck!

After some quick showers and gathering of hospital bags, off to the hospital they went! Daddy was so nervous and excited that even though we'd been there quite a few times already, he missed the turn to the parking garage. Of course this is when Mommy's contractions started.

After checking in at Labor & Delivery around 10:30pm, they were off to triage where they confirmed that Baby Rest was still breech despite all of Mommy's efforts with acupuncture, chiropractor, yoga, and various other methods to flip the little guy/gal.  So, off to the OR they went for a c-section.  Even though it wasn't their "dream plan", Mommy and Daddy were so excited to meet their new bundle of joy.

We decided Daddy would announce the sex to Mommy, so when it was time, Mommy and Daddy took one last minute guess; both guessing Baby Rest would be a girl.  A quick peak over the sheet covering and Daddy announced with a giddy grin, "we were both wrong!".  Isaac Ernst Rest came into the world at 1:25am on March 19, 2014 testicles first with his feet up by his ears weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long. Quite an entrance!

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