Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Camping We Will Go!

We just got home from our first family camping trip and we had a great time! We stayed at Seneca Shadows Campground in Seneca Rocks, WV at a group site with the Wickless's.  Joe and Ruthie had all of the main gear so all we had to bring was our tent and Isaac's special gear. 

making sure Mommy stays nearby during the drive

Even though Daddy left work early on Friday we still got a pretty slow start and had a few mishaps on the way (one of which being a diaper blowout on Isaac's Ray Rice onesie -- strange coincidence?), getting us to Seneca Rocks close to 7pm.  We had a great dinner with the chicken bombs and tangy beans made by Ms. Ruthie and the roasted mustard vinaigrette potato salad and cucumber mango salsa made by Mommy.  After dinner we sat around the campfire and looked at the sky full of stars. Isaac really loved staring at the fire. 

Isaac slept like a rock

...but was a little confused by his red tent when he woke up.

On Saturday morning we had bacon, eggs, and pancakes for breakfast. Yum! Mary Beth took a really nice picture of her breakfast plate.

Relaxing for a bit after breakfast as we planned out our day:

After breakfast we hiked up to Seneca Rocks.  Once we reached the observation deck, Mommy and Daddy took turns joining the Wickless's to climb up a little further on the rocks for the breathtaking view.  Then we headed back down the mountain.  We got back to camp and Mommy went to the car to feed Isaac in the air conditioning. As soon as she closed the car door we had our first big downpour of the day.  Everyone else quickly grabbed everything they could and sat under cover until the storm passed. 

wow those trees are so pretty!

someone loves maps just like his Mom

ha-ha Daddy

1.5 miles or 15 miles?

in the background are the rocks we had just hiked up to

Once the skies cleared we went out exploring again and cooled down in a swimming hole about a half mile from camp.  The water was so refreshing! Isaac enjoyed splashing around in his camping chair getting his toes wet. We hadn't planned on swimming this weekend so all of us just swam in our clothes!

drying off back in the car

As we were loading back into our cars the skies began to darken and once we got in our vehicles the raindrops began to fall again.  This time when we got back to camp we all went back to our tents to stay dry as a thunderstorm rolled through.  Isaac took a nice nap until a particularly loud boom of thunder stirred him from his sleep. Then he was up for some giggles, story time, and tent selfies.

the view from the top of our tent after the rain

This bout of rain eased up a bit but never completely stopped so we decided to ride down to the nearest restaurant for dinner.  We were all a bit disappointed with our meal, but with full bellies we headed back to camp. Joe got a great fire going and after "roasting" (drying) our chairs around the fire we were finally able to sit and chat.  Joe and Mary Beth brought out their guitars and entertained us with great music until the camp host came around and told us we were well past quiet hours.  So we stayed up a while longer talking, often times coming up with things we wanted to look up or confirm on our phones only to remember we were far out of cell service range. 

The next morning after breakfast, Mommy and Daddy packed up and we all headed to Blackwater Falls for a few short hikes to the falls, Lindy Point, and Pendleton Point where we enjoyed lunch together on a big rock overlooking Pendleton Point.  After that we headed home with Mary Beth while Joe and Ruth went on a hike with their friends before staying a few more nights at Seneca Rocks.

family picture at Blackwater Falls (Mommy & Daddy were here once before on their first getaway together)

saying goodbye to Ms. Ruthie
The only time Isaac was fussy was on the ride home! He slept better than ever over the weekend and seemed so happy to be outside surrounded by so much beauty. We can't wait for our next family adventure!

Mary Beth got some really great shots of the scenic overlooks from our hikes. Some of her pictures are below.

The beautiful night sky:

Our camp site:

that little red tent on the left is Isaac's

Seneca Rocks:

I learned what a cairn is

That's Joe all the way up there!

Blackwater Falls:

Lindy & Pendleton Points:

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