Tuesday, September 9, 2014

IsaacTube: Best of months 1-5

Isaac's 1st Purple Friday and last Ray Rice display

Well, we still haven't been able to troubleshoot why we have difficulty uploading videos directly to the blog so Mommy uploaded some highlights of the videos from Isaac's first 5 months to youtube and linked them below for your viewing pleasure. 

Daddy's First Swaddle 03.19.14 

Easter Fall Down 04.20.14 

Declan Saying "Isaac" 05.18.14 

Sucking Fingers 05.21.14 

Rolling Over 06.07.14 

Silly Time with Daddy 06.17.14 

Who's That Baby? 07.04.14 

Splashing Around 07.11.14 

Talking to his monkey 07.17.14

Good Morning 07.18.14 

"Talking" 07.19.14 

Eating Mommy's hand after singing 07.26.14 

When Daddy Takes Pictures 07.27.14

Singing with Mommy 07.27.14 

Laughing with Mommom 08.03.14

Squealing 08.22.14

Belly Laughing 08.25.14

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