Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fun Weekend

We had a fun first weekend of Fall.  On Saturday we went to the Main Street Music Festival in Ellicott City where Isaac was the talk of the festival in his ear-protecting headphones.  So many passersby commented on "that cute little baby" with lots of people stopping to exchange smiles and laughs with our happy boy and someone even asking us if they could take his picture because he was so cute! At least five people approached us to tell us what great parents we were for protecting our baby's ears, including one of the vendors at the festival who went out of his way to leave his tent and come compliment us.  We enjoyed a nice hike to and from the festival via the Trolley Trail and had a fun day with Isaac's godfather Maurice and a few other friends too.  

On the way to the festival Isaac discovered he could pull the visor of his car seat all the way down to his feet! It doesn't serve it's purpose that way but Isaac sure had a lot of fun moving it all the way down with his hands and feet.

Isaac also tried out his stroller facing forward for the first time last week.  It wasn't very fun for Mommy who couldn't see his face as well but Isaac seemed to enjoy being able to see the neighborhood from a different angle. 

When did he get so big? His feet hang off the edge of his swing now. There was a time he fit within that green circle.  This is his cuddly "bear hug expert" outfit that has been perfect in this cool weather.

And Isaac and Allie seem to be getting closer and closer as the days go on!


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