Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Say what?" -Part 1

Isaac has been saying some pretty funny things lately, and this entry is just a collection of some highlights from the past month or so.

A few things to note are that he says L's like Y's, his R's like W's, and beginning K's like T's, and he speaks softly, slowly, and deliberately, which is hard to convey in words. Sometimes it's not necessarily what he says, but how he says it.

  • The photo above was taken just the other night. I asked Isaac what he was doing and he said, as if it should be obvious, "I'm singing in the potty!!! A, B, C, D, E, F, G,..." He then went on to sing another favorite, "I've been working on the railroad"

  • One night Daddy was playing some YouTube music videos for Isaac and he put on a video of "You Are My Sunshine" to which Isaac replied, "No! I just like it when Mommy sings You Are My Sunshine."

  • One afternoon while trying to get him dressed for a nap, he had already taken his socks off and was fighting me as I tried to put his pants back on. I said he had to wear pants OR socks for his nap and he said, "I don't like those choices. I don't need pants or socks."

  • After a few rounds of This Little Piggy, he corrected me on which little piggy should go first. Then he randomly laid his head on my shoulder and sweetly said, "I wuv you" (He's been doing this random proclamation of love very often. So sweet!)

  • I explained I'd be going to work full time in a few months and that he'd then be going to school every day instead of just one day a week. I asked what he thought of that and he matter of factly said, "That's cool."

I: "After this I want a special treat."
M: "How about pizza?"
I: "No. a special treat from the freezer."
M: "What would be a special treat from the freezer?"
I: "Mayyyybe a popsicle. cream! Hmm...or...some...vitamins, cheeseburgers, and hotdogs!"

  • While out on a bike ride, we turned a corner and the sun was shining on us, and he said, slightly agitated, "The sun's lookin' at me, Mommy! I need my sunglasses!"

  • While in the tub he said he had to go potty. I asked if he wanted to sit on the potty. He thought pensively for a few seconds and said, ", thank you."

  • One day while playing outside he took socks off. This happened earlier in the week as well. I asked why he kept doing that and he said because he was playing in the sandbox. I asked, "who said it's a rule that you have to take your socks off to play in the sandbox?" Isaac: "I did!"

  • While looking at our wooden hobbit figurine: "Is there mud on the man's feet?"

  • I was sitting on the couch watching a crochet video. He looked over my shoulder and said, "I'll go get your yarn, Mommy!"

  • He pointed to the flannel wipes I had been using to blow his nose over the past week and said, "I blow my nose with this." I asked him if he needed to blow his nose, and he indignantly said, "No, not now! There's no snot in there!"

  • A frequent preface to asking something: "I've got a question for you."

  • While talking about Thanksgiving coming up and what we'd be doing he randomly said, "I love you...I love being with my family."

  • One morning he grabbed a bag of dried fruit & granola mix off the shelf and said he wanted some. Knowing he didn't like said mix, I told him that he couldn't have any (since the last time he had it he just made a mess with it). His response was, "No is not an option, Mommy."

  • While listening to Christmas music, "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" came on. He started laughing and snickering, making a funny face, and said, "it is so funny! yes, it is quite funny!"

  • While sitting on the couch (which is right in front of the tree) he complained, "I can't see the Christmas tree. It's too far away."

  • Daddy was trying to wash Isaac's hands before dinner, but he was really struggling. Isaac had his hands clenched together and he angrily said, "No wash hands! I'm praying first!"

  • When he "discovers" us somewhere seemingly unexpectedly he exclaims, "Oh! THERE you are!" (with "are" ending in a long /e/ sound, and sounding more like "ah-oye")

  • When Mike gets home from work he asks him, "How was your ride to work, Daddy?" and then asks, "How was your school day?"

  • While we were driving to Harpers Ferry to exchange our rooster I heard some coughing and the sound of puking. I asked if he spit up. He said, "Yes. I need a rag, Mommy". I asked if it was a lot messy or just a little messy. He said, "just a little messy." It was in fact a lot messy, with his entire breakfast in puke form down his front and puddled in his seat. After the first wipe (of many necessary wipes) he points to another spot and says, "there's a little bit there too". Um bud, there was a LOT bit everywhere! Then I took him out of the seat to take his soiled sweater off (he had shirts on underneath) and he asked with grave concern, "Do you have some more clothes for me, Mommy?"

  • There have been a few instances when Isaac has asked, "who's chasing us?" One time we were walking through a safe, but completely empty parking lot at dusk, just the two of us. A bit creepy! Then he asked the same question again a few days later while we were walking on the driveway to the car. I told him, "No one is chasing us, and it kind of scares me when you say that!" and he earnestly replied, "oh, it scares me, too!"

  • While wiping wax out of his ear for a second time, he asked with amusement, "What's in my ear NOW?"

  • We DVR'd Shrek, and before the movie started there was the ending of a Seinfeld episode with Jerry doing a standup routine. Isaac instantly started laughing and pointing saying, "He's saying a joke! heh-heh-heh! He's a funny man! ...heh-heh-he he's saying anudder joke!" 

  • With working part-time, I have the luxury of running most of my errands during the weekday. The other night, however, I needed to run to Costco. I asked Isaac if he wanted to come with me and he surprised me by saying no. I asked why he didn't want to come and he just glared at me and said, "It's too dark outside!" I managed to convince him to come with me (the possibility of samples!) and as we walked outside and saw our Christmas lights he happily exclaimed, "It looks like Christmas Eve out here!!"

  • While driving around in his little car he'll often ask us, "excuse me sir, which way is the _______?"

  • Isaac is in the "Why?" stage. Sometimes I'm just not sure what he's asking why about, so I'll try to ask a clarifying questions such as, "why what?" and he gets very annoyed and says, "No, don't say that! I say why! You don't say why!"

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