Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Green Beans & Wiener Dogs

Good morning! (this is a happy, cheerful Isaac after a very rough night's sleep for he and Mommy. Mommy was not nearly as happy and perky on the other side of the camera.)

Isaac has been pretty busy lately.  Over the weekend he attended his friend JR's 1st birthday party.  He had a great time in their playroom checking out some new toys and hanging out with Ms. Cindy.

We also got to spend the weekend with Libby.  On Sunday morning everyone enjoyed the read aloud, How Dachshunds Came To Be. Isaac wasn't quite as engrossed as the doxies. I guess he just couldn't relate to any of the characters.

Speaking of books and dachshunds, Allie had some fun making herself part of story time earlier this week too:
Allie on the left, Curious George on the right.

Isaac has been becoming a bit more of a handful as he is becoming more mobile and adventurous.  While playing in his nursery the other day he worked his way under the chair where he tried pulling himself up. As you can see he was quite proud of himself.

Another day while playing on his tummy on his gym he somehow wound up like this:

Isaac had his first piano lesson. He's a real natural.

And continues to enjoy exploring plant life around the house:

We enjoyed some time on the hammock Mommy got Daddy for their anniversary:

He's been trying more new foods. Who knew green beans could be so funny?

We continue to love spending time with Daddy when he gets home from work:

And Declan and Isaac are becoming fast friends, with Declan now asking for Isaac and holding his hand when he arrives at Aunt Margie's on Tuesdays.

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