Thursday, November 27, 2014

First Thanksgiving

Isaac had a great first Thanksgiving full of family and lots of great food! In the morning Isaac helped Mommy make breakfast and finish up the rolls and mashed potatoes. As you can see, he is practicing his whisking skills.  

fresh baked Parker House rolls

Then we took a few dozen pictures at home of Isaac in his Thanksgiving outfit (elastic waist pants and turkey onesie).

Our first stop was to Mom-Mom-Mom's where everyone pitched in for dinner. At almost 90-years-old this was the first time Mommom got to sit back and relax. It was a rare sight to see her sitting with the guys while the ladies were on the other side of the basement preparing the food. 

Sandy and Buddy did an awesome job on the turkey:

Isaac really enjoyed his Thanksgiving feast. He tried everything on the table except for sauerkraut and corn. He had dark and white meat turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberries, coleslaw, sweet potatoes, you name it! The only time he fussed all day was when his spoon and tray were out of food! How's that for being his mother's son?

After dinner Isaac got to just hang out and play. Sandy noticed a 7th tooth cutting through on the bottom. Just in time for his Thanksgiving feast!


he loved Sandy's pretty bracelet

Then we tried another photo shoot with Declan and Isaac. Declan was so patient and gentle with Isaac as he wiggled around and kept exploring Declan's face with his hands.

Then it was off to aunt Kim's where all of the nieces were there and so happy to see him! He got passed around from person to person, everyone enjoying their time with him. He even joined the kids for a game of Head Banz. 

more cousins!

fascinated by Grandma Jean's buttons

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Snow Day

After having 70 degree weather on Monday, we had our first snowstorm of the season today! They were beautiful, huge snowflakes and Isaac really loved watching them from different windows around the house. 

He first noticed the snow from his nursery window when he got up from his morning nap.

Then we went down to the sunroom for a while to check things out.
Whoa, Mom! Do you see this stuff?

But it was a little too cold in there, so then he watched the snow from the big sliding glass doors in the kitchen while Mommy made the Parker House rolls for Thanksgiving dinner.  

After Mommy finished making the rolls, she let Isaac enjoy a little sensory play with some flour on the table.  He really liked exploring how the flour felt with his fingers.  Surprisingly enough he didn't try to eat it at all!

Watching snow fall is exhausting!

After a long afternoon nap Isaac joined us, very groggily, for dinner. He was so tired he was holding his head up with his hand. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Here Comes Trouble

Last week at Physical Therapy, Lisa our PT told Mommy it was time to lower the crib to the lowest setting. We added it to our to-do list, but didn't feel particularly rushed to do it until this morning. Mommy was getting ready for work while Isaac played in his crib.  All of a sudden she heard a crash and went into the nursery where she found Isaac proudly standing up in his crib, with his baby monitor knocked to the floor.  

After that, Mommy put him in a laundry basket so she could finish getting ready. Isaac thought that was a lot of fun too. 

So, first on Daddy's to-do list when he got home was to lower the crib!

first night sleeping in his lowered crib

We should have seen this coming...this was earlier this week:

Isaac has been more and more on the move. He discovered his books in his playroom, and pulled out a bunch of books before finding the one he wanted to read eat. 

He has also been a bit of a handful while Mommy makes breakfast in the morning (the Christmas pillows were serving as a barricade from the dogs' water bowl).

Isaac enjoyed some cauliflower and rigatoni on pasta night. The only food he hasn't been a big fan of has been salmon.  He actually locks his mouth closed and pushes Mommy's hand away if she tries to give him some.

While playing at Mom-Mom-Mom's last week he got himself tangled in a blanket:

all bundled up, ready to go out

Various play times:

obviously thrilled to be decorating for Christmas

a rare sight: Lady hanging out with Isaac without being bribed
playing in the box his new car seat came in
out for a walk

Here is a VIDEO of Isaac laughing with Daddy.