Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rock the Vote: Isaac's 1st Election Day

Ironically, as a stay-at-home mom, this was the very first time Mommy has had to work on Election Day (Tuesday is one of her teaching days for CCBC). But that meant Isaac and Daddy got some bonus time together and then when she got home, they all walked down to the polling place to vote.  It was a beautiful fall day and great evening for a walk. 

Isaac is becoming more and more mobile, especially when given some interesting toys on the hardwood floor. He has been pivoting on his belly a full 360 degrees and also dragging/scooting himself to get to toys that he deems just close enough to try to move towards.  Mommy also had him standing on his own for quite a few seconds, and he is standing in general with very little support needed.

Here he is doing his "360 Pivot":

In the bath the other night he even pulled himself forward and lifted his bottom up as he tried to reach for his bath tools. This little guy is getting strong and smart and it's only a matter of time before we really have our hands full!
this is his typical bath time position

this is after he pulled himself forward

and here he is determined to get that pitcher of water
His toys were just in a random pile, but after scooting himself all around he arranged them in a row in reverse ROY G. BIV order. Coincidence? Or do we have a child genius on our hands?

Speaking of being a genius, we have also been joking that Isaac may have said his first word: "hey".  For a few weeks now, Mommy and Daddy have both felt we have heard him say "hey" on several occasions. Then last week when Aunt Kim and the girls babysat, Uncle Mike even reported he heard Isaac say "hey" to him when he came home. 

 independent reading

snoozing away

showing off his new Hanna Andersson winter gear

Isaac continues to be a great eater. He's added spaghetti squash and brussel sprouts to the list of foods he's tried and seems to be becoming more and more excited for meal time in general.

We've been in the process of working on a playroom for Isaac. Much to Daddy's chagrin, the best location for this playroom is where our TV room used to be.  But after some shifting and organizing, the new location for the TV room is working out and Isaac seems happy with his playroom so far (we still need a few final touches, like a rug).   

former TV Room

new TV Room

new playroom

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