Monday, November 17, 2014

Pancakes & Topiary

We were supposed to go camping at Jane's Island this weekend, but the nighttime freezing temperatures just seemed like they'd be too cold for SSI so we decided to cancel our campsite reservation and do a family day trip instead.  Thanks to Jodi's guest passes, we enjoyed a beautiful day at Longwood Gardens in PA on Sunday.  It was the first time any of us had been and we really enjoyed it there, even though it was quite a chilly day! When we arrived we took an Insider tour and learned some pretty interesting things. Then we had lunch at the Cafe before checking things out on our own.  There were so many cool things to see. Isaac was really taking it all in, although he does look rather bored in all of the pictures we took.  

pretty awesome chrysanthemums!

relaxing in the cool family restroom


zonked after a long day

When we got home everyone was tired from a long day, except for Isaac who was just full of energy and smiles.  He had a great time bouncing all around in his jumper while Mommy & Daddy unloaded the car and made dinner.  Then he had a great time playing peak-a-boo with himself in the mirror and checking things out underneath the guest bed.

On Saturday, Daddy made us pancakes for breakfast and then while Daddy went to a Memorial Service, Mommy and Isaac practiced some crawling.
a personal pancake just for Isaac

all gone!

Isaac is quickly making progress with his crawling. As you can see in this  VIDEO he is using his knees more instead of just using his arms to drag himself like he was just last week.

No wonder he's made so much progress with crawling. He's been practicing getting up on all fours even when he should be napping, as Mommy has caught from the video monitor:


On Thursday after we left Aunt Margie's, Isaac had his weekly visit with Mom-Mom-Mom in the afternoon and then had a visit from CharliePop in the evening.

snuggled up and ready for bed

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