Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Snow Day

After having 70 degree weather on Monday, we had our first snowstorm of the season today! They were beautiful, huge snowflakes and Isaac really loved watching them from different windows around the house. 

He first noticed the snow from his nursery window when he got up from his morning nap.

Then we went down to the sunroom for a while to check things out.
Whoa, Mom! Do you see this stuff?

But it was a little too cold in there, so then he watched the snow from the big sliding glass doors in the kitchen while Mommy made the Parker House rolls for Thanksgiving dinner.  

After Mommy finished making the rolls, she let Isaac enjoy a little sensory play with some flour on the table.  He really liked exploring how the flour felt with his fingers.  Surprisingly enough he didn't try to eat it at all!

Watching snow fall is exhausting!

After a long afternoon nap Isaac joined us, very groggily, for dinner. He was so tired he was holding his head up with his hand. 

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