Sunday, December 28, 2014

On the 2nd Day of Christmas...

my true love gave to me:
a healthy and happy baby!

After being sick for his first Christmas, Isaac woke up on the 26th full of smiles and back to his super sweet self, much to Mommy's relief.  He was happy to greet our house guests Dana & Chris who arrived after Isaac went to bed on Christmas night and stayed with us through the weekend.

On Friday, Isaac just hung out at home with Mommy and Daddy checking out his new toys and resting up for a very busy upcoming weekend.  

We have taken so many picture of Isaac on his rocking horse, but he is just so happy when he's on it!


checking out his reflection in the fireplace

all these new toys and he has to look for more in the bins

getting ready for a nighttime walk to check out the Christmas lights

Saturday we hosted the Ernsts for a Christmas luncheon.

Dapper Chris & Isaac

bow tie buddies

Then it was off to the Wickless' for their 3rd Night celebration...

listening intently to Ms. Ruthie

Then it was back home to greet aunt Karen, cousins Lucia and Grace, and their friend Steve.  They stayed the night with us before catching an early flight to Mexico the next morning.  So we had a full house Saturday night - 9 of us, sleeping cozily at the inn at 108 South.
off to bed after a long day!

  extra accommodations for the night...

Sunday, after Daddy dropped the gang off at BWI, we all slept in and had a bit of a lazy morning with Dana and Chris until the Ravens game.  Then, Melissa and godfather Maurice came by to watch the game.  They brought Isaac his first build-a-bear, all decked out in Ravens gear.

Shipp's words: "that's one special guy"

We ended the weekend at Mommom's looking through old pictures.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"I'll be [sick] for Christmas..."

A few days before Christmas Isaac came down with a frightening 104 fever that luckily only lasted about 24 hours. But then on Christmas Eve morning poor Isaac woke up with a rash on his face and torso and just was not feeling like himself.  Turns out Isaac had a common case of Roseola which lasted through to Christmas evening.  So that meant Isaac didn't get to go to church on Christmas Eve and he was just a little out of a sorts through Christmas day. 

poor, sick, Sir Isaac

Isaac spent Christmas Eve home with Daddy, just wanting to be held and cuddled, while Mommy was at church for 4 hours playing piano for masses. Then after the final service, Mommom and CharliePop came over for some munchies and to exchange gifts.  Isaac got all sorts of fun new toys to play with and cute clothes to wear from Mommom and CharliePop.

checking out the jack-in-the-box Mommy got CharliePop

admiring his new Isaac calendar

adorable huge dinosaur from Mommom

On Christmas morning Isaac got to open even more gifts from Santa. And while he was still a little cranky, he did seem to particularly enjoy his new books and wooden music table. Santa is trying to keep the gifts under control by giving in 4 categories: something he wants, something he needs, something to wear, and something to read.  Since Isaac couldn't make his own list of what he wanted and needed, Santa had to get a few extra things in those categories just to be safe.

the best shot I could get of everyone in front of the tree
something to read

something to wear
Whoa! Just what I always wanted!

everyone was interested in his new drum

We can't forget the (homemade) stockings!


Isaac took a nap after opening his gifts, then Mommy & Daddy exchanged presents. Daddy wrote funny labels on all of Mommy's packages.

Then we were off to visit family...

After a morning nap we headed to aunt Kim's for more fun gifts. Grandma Jean got Isaac a rocking horse that he just loved! He also got a peek-a-boo sock monkey that is a lot of fun too.

opening other gifts while Uncle Mike gets batteries for the horse


a natural jockey
Then we headed back home so Isaac could take another nap before heading to Mom-mom-mom's for dinner.  Isaac enjoyed some bread, lasagna, and pork. Then of course there were even more presents with lots of adorable new outfits and fun toys like a vibrating cow, a poppity pop musical hippo, and a fun Leap Frog piano that will teach Isaac some Spanish! Isaac had a few fussy bouts throughout the day, but seemed to get more content as it got later in the evening.  He was entertaining everyone as he crawled backwards into a corner under a chair and was very content hanging out there, hidden away, for quite some time. 

getting ready for a Christmas nap with his new homemade lovey

yummy lasagna!

walking with Mommom

checking out a picture of himself

saying good night to Mommom

We hope everyone had a great Christmas! 
M, E & I