Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tree Trimming & Birthday Celebrating

As Isaac will soon learn, December is an extra busy month for the Ernst-Rests.  On top of the typical holiday hustle & bustle, there are many birthdays to celebrate too!

Mommy's and Isaac's first Christmas ornaments, side-by-side

We started the weekend decorating trees.  To get Isaac ready for his first annual tree trim at Mommom & CharliePop's, we had him practice by decorating our tree.  We started by giving him the First Christmas bulb that Jodi made just for him. Then he checked out some of the other delicious beautiful ornaments as we put them on the tree.


After decorating our tree, we enjoyed some homemade Friday pizza followed by a game of peek-a-boo with Daddy.  


At the Tree Trim Isaac was the hit of the party in his festive elf outfit.  He was happy as can be being passed from guest to guest.  

off to the party in my new carseat!

eating some shrimp after the party

Then Sunday started the streak of December birthdays with Grandma Jean who came over for an afternoon visit for her birthday. Then that night Isaac went to his first Taize service and everyone couldn't believe how good he was.

Monday was CharliePop's birthday and Isaac got to spend some time with him while Mommy went to choir practice. Tuesday was Mommy's birthday and Isaac gave her a nice gift of sleeping in until 9:30, then he took a nap while Daddy made a delicious dinner and Mommy relaxed by the fire.  Finally, Wednesday was Mommom's birthday and we celebrated by going out to lunch with Mommom, great Aunt Margie, and Mom-Mom-Mom. Then we ended the day by going to the men's shelter to serve dinner and sing Christmas carols. What a week so far!

relaxing by the fire

Isaac was really excited about the children's menu

Happy birthday, Mommom!
singing carols at the Men's Shelter

We are also in the process of getting some work done on the house, including a new roof. It has made our routine a little interesting. Mommy was quite nervous about how the noise of the roof work would affect Isaac's nap schedule, so she tried putting him to sleep in the dining room (the quietest part of the house) with his noise-cancelling headphones.  Isaac pulled them off almost right away, but he still managed to take a pretty long morning nap, despite the noise.


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