Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Tricks!

Warning: Potential Isaac Overload 
Mommy has been a blogging machine this morning! This is one of three entries published today, so if you need more Isaac fixes after reading this be sure to scroll down to read about our camping adventures in Shepherdstown and also Fun with Friends! 

In the past week Isaac has been learning all sorts of tricks.  Some we have been able to document excessively, and others we don't even have a single bit of photographic proof, but we'll brag about it all nonetheless. 

Isaac has been pretty determined to figure out how to use his fork for eating.  We had been working on spoon use, but he's been much more successful trying to use a fork. He's been leaving food on his tray that he ordinarily would gobble down before it even made contact with the tray. But as soon as we bring him a fork he happily "forks" the food he intentionally left behind. Avocado, blueberries, taco casserole...if it can be forked, he's been forking it. Or at least proudly trying to. 

Speaking of eating, Isaac also had his first "Popsicle"/pea pop.  We stole this idea from a fellow mom friend, and it was a huge hit.  Isaac ate every last bite (except for a lone pea that accidentally fell into dog territory).  And I guess Isaac has been eating so much corn on the cob lately that it's influenced his method of eating similarly shaped foods, such as this banana:

Isaac is also getting better with his shape sorter.  He's successfully gotten all six shapes in on multiple occasions. Sometimes matching the shape to the right hole on his own, other times needing a bit of assistance. But he's getting there and it's really fun watching his focus and progress.

Isaac has been enjoying putting things on his head, particularly hats, but also bowls from the cabinets he's been exploring with increasing curiosity.  If Isaac is thinking of becoming a Pastafarian he's selected the wrong apparatus...

Also just this week Isaac has been throwing a ball forward. This is progress from his previous ball "throwing" of holding the ball above his head and dropping it behind him.  Grandpa Larry and Daddy are particularly excited about this new trick.

He's climbing up and down more confidently and gracefully and has gotten very comfortable climbing up into the chair in his nursery to wait for story time.

And perhaps the most exciting trick of all, our stubborn speed crawler has finally taken enough consecutive steps for us to officially proclaim he is a "walker" (and is consistent enough that we were able to catch it on video on multiple occasions!).  He'd been so close for so long, taking 2-3 steps here and there, that when we caught him trotting across the room all on his own we were very excited! Go Isaac, go! Here's the VIDEO we posted on Facebook followed by two more clips. It's amazing he can even hold himself up on those skinny little legs!

Mommom is away this week and she told Isaac not to take his first steps while she was gone. Of course on the day she left he decided to take off walking!

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