Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Isaac seems to have really missed the beach.  When he woke up our first morning home, he grabbed his bathing suit and brought it to me as if he was ready to go hit some waves. 

But he has still had a fun and exciting week home from the ocean. 

From a sleepover at Mommom's & CharliePop's:

to a housewarming party at Abi's:

Liv sharing her apples with Isaac
mowing the lawn:

I wish this one wasn't so blurry

to the SCB picnic:

 playing the same singing bowl used at Mommy & Daddy's wedding:

and an overdue visit to Mom-mom-mom's:

"Who's that?" lots of fun at home in and out of the house! 

He found a (huge) prized pinecone on a family walk the other night.  He held it proudly for the whole walk, and when we took it away from him to put him to bed he was a bit upset about it! He was very happy to be reunited with it the next day.

The pinecone was serious business. It was no smiling matter, Daddy!

Lately we've been often finding him relaxing in a dog bed, or laying down on other soft, cushy areas around the house:


And there's been more fun outside in the pool and with his new slide:

Each day Isaac finds something else to get into. He's a little scientist constantly exploring and trying to figure things out. 

In his playroom the other day he decided the top of his music table was boring so he flipped it over and checked out the bottom.  


And he went to his latch board, and after flipping the light switch he kept looking up at the lights a bit confused about why the lights weren't turning on and off with the flick of the switch. 

He and Allie have been teaming up to help with dinner cleanup.

The other morning he toted around this nearly-empty bag of popcorn along with my purse as if to let us know it was time to restock. Sorry they're so blurry. He did not stop moving for a second. 

He's been really enjoying helping us vacuum. Like really enjoying it!

 Our temporary mini-fridge and cooler setup was not toddler friendly.

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