Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mr. Stud

Face-smoosh on the nice clean windows!

This week has been spent deep cleaning the house, preparing for Mommy's MOPS planning retreat, and packing for our trip to Ocean City! These tasks have been made extra challenging by our sweet Isaac whose idea of helping includes smooshing his face against freshly cleaned glass, playing with piles of swept up dust, and fussing when prevented from doing such things. He has really been a help, however, with his wonderfully consistent nap schedule of two 2-hour naps every day.  All this extra walking around is wearing out everyone, including Isaac!

Our neighbors had some sewage work done earlier this week which meant even more action than usual at Isaac's favorite view in the house.  He took on the role of foreman watching over their every move. 

Mr. Stud has been keeping us laughing with his slim physique and goofy mannerisms.   

pretending to be a dog?

While going to get our and CharliePop's carseats inspected at the firehouse we had the bonus opportunity to check out all of the cool trucks.  The wheels were bigger than Isaac! He was of course most fascinated by all of the fans. 

And of course, with such beautiful summer weather, we've still been spending lots of time outside.  Isaac is getting more and more steady with his walking and now handles the gradual incline of our yard with ease.  He's still working on getting to standing without pulling himself up onto something, and has been learning the hard way that some things are less sturdy than others (i.e. swings and hammocks).  

lounging with a pea pop

 Showing off his walking skills: 

More fun with the hose (can't wait for our next water bill...not!):

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