Monday, April 21, 2014


Isaac had his 1-month checkup today. We were pretty surprised at how much he has grown! He was 8 lbs. 10 oz. and 21.25 inches (a growth of 2 lbs. 5 oz. and 2.25 inches since birth!). Even with all that growth he is still only in the 20-25th percentile for his weight. 

After the doctor's appointment the family went to Wegman's to stock up on groceries for Daddy's first week back at work.  This was Mommy's first time in a grocery store since before Isaac was born! (Daddy has been doing a great job taking care of all the food this past month!)

Aside from growing, Isaac has continued to do a lot of napping & eating and Daddy has also been doing his neck exercises with him every day for his PT. 

Daddy tries really hard but sometimes he just can't get Isaac dressed without some help from Mommy.

Daddy helping Isaac with his morning neck exercises.

Yet another shot of Allie staying close to her new BFF.

The other day when Isaac was napping next to Mommy, Allie came up as slow as can be and snuggled right on in. 
Allie & Isaac napping

The 3 amigos. Napping together all facing the same direction.

We're really going to miss Daddy when he goes back to work tomorrow!

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