Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Out and About

There have been a few "firsts" this past week.  On Sunday night, Mommy left Isaac home alone with Daddy for the first time while she played piano for a TAIZE service. It was the first time she had even driven since Isaac was born. Everyone handled this very well!  Then on Monday Mommy took Isaac out to visit Mom-Mom-Mom and aunt Margie all on her own! On Tuesday Isaac had physical therapy for his torticollis (which is basically a big overworked muscle in his neck that apparently looks a lot worse than it really is). After that, Isaac got to see Mommy's school and meet the nice ladies that work in the office while she went to take care of the fish tank in her classroom.  Then Mommy, Daddy and Isaac went out to lunch for the first time as a family at Venti Tre, a new Italian place in Canton Crossing.

Mr. Isaac wasn't too thrilled at first about going to Physical Therapy.

Other than that, we've just been trying to get into more of a routine and enjoy this last week before Daddy has to go back to work. Daddy has been getting a lot of work done in the yard in between laundry and making dinner on the grill.  As Isaac gets bigger he has been able to expand his wardrobe options a bit.  It seemed like he was wearing the same few newborn outfits for a while, but now he is starting to be long enough for his cute 0-3 month clothes.

One of Isaac's favorite things lately has been checking out his Daddy. He loves staring at him and reaching out and feeling his chin. 


Allie continues to love her new friend Isaac.

Holding hands/paws

And, Mom just keeps taking pictures of Isaac looking so peaceful and content while sleeping...and is gradually capturing more shots of Isaac with his eyes open too. (still trying to catch him smiling with his eyes open! It has happened, but Mommy has been too slow with the camera.)




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