Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

We had a great first Easter with Isaac.  We started the day with visits from the Easter bunny.  Daddy worked really hard making a special homemade basket that Isaac will be able to use for years to come. He even included one of the painted bunny rabbits that Poppop Henry made years ago. Mommy really enjoyed seeing that surprise in his basket.  Isaac got quite a few stuffed bunnies and different teething items. He seemed to like his pat-a-bunny the best so far.

Everyone's special Easter goodies

This is Mommy's favorite shot from the day. It looks like Isaac is waving to the camera.

Of course we had to get a shot of Isaac sitting in his basket (just like Mommy was put inside her Christmas stocking for her first Christmas)

After checking out what the Easter bunny brought us we all got dressed up in our Easter outfits to head out to our family stops for the day. Isaac of course stole the show in his adorable seersucker suit. 

Deep in thought over how handsome he looks?

Achoo! Isaac tipped over during the photo session after a sneeze attack. Too cute!

Our first stop was dinner at Mom-mom-mom's. Isaac finally got to meet his big cousin Declan.  Declan really wanted to play trucks with Isaac but Isaac was just too little. Maybe next year he will be a better playmate!

Finally got a picture with Mommom!

Sound asleep on Mom-mom-mom's lap.

Declan (looking adorable in his gingham shirt and tie) isn't quite sure what to think of this little guy.

Our final stop of the day was to aunt Kim's where he got to meet even more family! 

3 generations of Rest men!

Napping with Grandma Jean

Totally content with cousin Katie.

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