Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Keep on Moving

Everyone is the house is chomping at the bit for some warmer Spring weather! There were a few nicer days over the past week that we took advantage of to go on some walks so Isaac could check out his neighborhood. The first outing was just Mommy, Daddy and Isaac.  Then we added Allie and Lady to the mix a few times.  Isaac really enjoys moving. He even seemed to enjoy the occasional bumps we hit on the sidewalk.  Isaac also really enjoys riding in the car. However, help us when we have to stop at a red light because Sir Isaac makes it very clear he does not like it when the car is not in motion!

As Mommy's pain has been getting better she has wanted to do more around the house, so we tried out the baby carrier the Wickless' got us.  For her first baby-wearing task she did some long overdue baking.  Once Isaac got settled he seemed to enjoy being in the kitchen with mom. 

Isaac is still less than thrilled about bath time.  In this picture it almost looks like he is giving Mommy a not-so-nice hand gesture to express how he feels.

Everyday Isaac is a little more aware and observant of his surroundings and much more vocal.  The other night he seemed to be having a full out conversation with the dogs before bed time. 

Still wearing a few of Mommy's old outfits.  
This one is a little out of season, but we couldn't resist. (Mommy was 9 days old for her first Christmas)

 And a few other pictures of Isaac doing what he does best:

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics... what kind of carrier is that? Looks comfy.
