Saturday, July 19, 2014

4 months old

Good morning! "Sweet Sir Isaac" is 4 months old today!

Each month has honestly gotten better and better as Isaac just keeps growing and developing and getting sweeter by the day. He is getting into a really fun stage where things are starting to become more interesting and amusing and there have been more and more bouts of laughter which Mommy thinks is just one of the absolute best sounds in the world.  Isaac's name means laughter and we are looking forward to many laughs together in the future.

A few favorite shots from our 4 month photo shoot:

And of course, Allie's monthly photobomb. Too funny!

We started the day with our monthly photo shoot. Then after our morning nap we went to Chazz with Liz and Derek for Isaac's first brunch outing.  Isaac did a great job just sitting and being cute while the grownups chatted, and chimed into the conversation whenever he had something valuable to add.
Isaac was really amused by Derek's dancing fingers

Then we came home for another nap, but after Isaac had a cat nap on the car ride home he couldn't be convinced there was more sleeping to do so he just laid in his swing peacefully until Mommy caved and took him out for some more playtime.

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