Sunday, July 13, 2014

Playing, Partying, and Relaxing

[Isaac] had a little lamb...

Isaac has been a busy boy this week! He has been spending more and more time playing with and exploring new toys and discovering all of the amazing things he can do with his body like grab and suck his fingers, making noises, and kicking those legs (especially during bath time)!

(those are his toes)
Allie in the background, supervising
working on "strength training" at physical therapy

This week Isaac discovered his dachshund mobile too!
arm wrestling with Daddy

He has also had a pretty busy social calendar celebrating his cousin Declan's 2nd Birthday, meeting new family friends at a special memorial service, visiting great Mommom, and having weekly family dinner with Mommom and CharliePop.  

hanging out with his new friends Mark and JR

For the most part Isaac has been more content and happy with the exception of a few fussy bursts here and there (he is a baby afterall). We're still not sleeping through the night, but Isaac is getting better at self soothing and putting himself to sleep. One day he fell asleep right in the middle of playing with his favorite toys:

We also think we are in the beginning stages of teething. Isaac has been drooling quite a bit and is exploring things with his mouth more and more.  I guess in the coming weeks we'll see if his amber teething necklace works or not!

Yum! Can't decide which hand tastes better!

kisses for Ferdinand...


Isaac has been showing more enjoyment with story time and singing songs together. His favorite songs of the moment are any with hand motions: Pat-a-cake, Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Tony Chestnut.  He seems to enjoy any book with lots of colors, regardless of plot or character development. One day he seemed particularly interested in his cloth dachshund book.



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