Saturday, July 26, 2014

[twice] the man I used to be

At Isaac's 4 month checkup this week we found out he has more than doubled his weight since birth, coming in at 13 pounds 6 ounces in the 30th percentile for weight and 24 3/4 inches long in the 50th percentile for height. 

Aside from our doctor's visit, we just had a pretty relaxing and (unseasonably) cool week of summer. We checked out a concert in the park at Patterson Park, went to Babies in Bloom at the library, read some books, relaxed on our new deck furniture, and chewed on lots of fingers! We'll let the pictures explain. 

sitting on Daddy at the concert in Patterson Park

checking out his new walker

so excited for bath time!

We've been doing a lot of drooling

Mommy's been hard at work preparing food for Isaac's Baptism

Allie continues to sneak in Isaac kisses

Daddy is still a favorite place to nap

While we're not sleeping through the night, we are sleeping well

Mommy's hands are becoming more interesting

...and delicious!

a bit of a goofball!

 Still loving playing on my gym...

Don't let his face fool you...he loves our new deck furniture too!
books are good to read...

...and to eat!

Just an overall happy guy!