Thursday, July 3, 2014

SAHD - week 2

Well now that Daddy has proven he is a natural at the whole stay-at-home dad thing we are torn as to who will get to stay at home with Isaac in the fall.  Luckily for Mommy she has already packed up her classroom and filed the paperwork, so she wins this time!

first night sleeping in his crib (he didn't last too long)
Daddy continued to send Mommy pictures and updates throughout the week, especially on her extra long day to New York City! Isaac spent much of his week rolling over, sucking on his fingers, grabbing at toys, and trying to hold his bottle during feedings.  Isaac had some trouble sleeping through the night this week, so Daddy helped Mommy get a few uninterrupted hours by taking Isaac downstairs and sleeping on the couch. That was a big help!l

staring at himself after rolling over

silly faces in the morning

It's hard to believe that just 2 weeks ago bottle feeding was such a nightmare!

Can't get enough of those fingers...

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