Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence Day Weekend

starting to really show an interest in all sorts of toys

Isaac had a pretty low key first Independence Day weekend. On the 4th of July he just spent the day catching up with Mommy and visited with great Mommom for a while. Then after he went to bed Mommy & Daddy did some grilling and relaxed by the fire pit.

getting a little chubby!
How cute is that hood?

Isaac is already starting to show off a very silly personality that just makes Mommy & Daddy laugh and laugh.  He has recently shown a huge interest in his toes. Instead of bringing his toes to his mouth he has been trying to lean in and put his mouth on his toes. It is a pretty funny sight to see as his eyes focus in intently and he seemingly just falls forward. 

determined to get that toe in his mouth

On Saturday, Isaac went on a walk to Mommom's & CharliePop's for a cookout with the Ernsts (who were returning from their 30th annual visit from the cemetry to visit Pop Ernst).  Then Mommy went to play piano at church where she had the special treat of seeing both of her Grandmothers.  After that, Isaac got to spend the evening with Mommom & CharliePop while Mommy and Daddy went to a friend's house for a pretty spectacular home fireworks show. Mommy missed Isaac the whole time and wished he was there, but we just thought the loud fireworks would be a bit much for a 15-week old. 

cool guy on the walk to Mommom's
adorable in his red, white & blue

Isaac thought Uncle Tom was SO funny

"life is good at Grandma's"

Finally, on Sunday Isaac just played and entertained Mommy while she packed and got ready for her one-night camping trip with the some girl friends. Daddy will have Isaac all night by himself! More on that later!

He is serious about those fingers...

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