Monday, August 18, 2014


Not much new in Isaac's world. He is just getting better at his old tricks and laughing and smiling more and more.

Isaac continues to show off his voice with screetches and coos and really responds to silly sounds.  Even if Isaac is fussing, Mommy can almost always get a laugh out of him by making silly "boopty-boop" or "doot-doo-doot" sounds.

helping with the laundry

Isaac continues to make great progress at Physical Therapy.  He will continue to go for his first year just to make sure that as he becomes more mobile he doesn't start to favor one side over the other to keep his muscle development and alignment balanced.  He is getting really good at passing toys back and forth between his hands and changing his grip depending on what he is grabbing.
checking out Mommy's and Daddy's hands

Mommy read somewhere that at this age, looking at their parent's faces is like going to Disneyland for a baby.  Isaac sure does make that seem like a true statement.

Isaac does mornings well...

Starting to really watch what we do. Like rudely eat in front of him without sharing...

We've gone on a few hikes...
Kinder Farm Blackberry Trail

Patapsco - Hollofield

Enjoying Mommom & CharliePop at the St. Charles picnic:

And Mommy has been having too much fun capturing snapshots from the video monitor. Isaac still refuses to nap some times. But he does it ever-so-politely.

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