Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day of School!

loving his new Bay Bridge onesie!

Today was the first day of school for students so Daddy had a big day and needed a good night's sleep. So of course Isaac woke up about five times between 9pm and 1am. Finally Mommy took him downstairs to sleep in his swing while she slept on the couch so Daddy could get a few good hours of sleep. 

"My Dad Rocks!" -- yes he does!

While Daddy was teaching Science to 5th and 6th graders, Mommy and Isaac went for a lunch/play date with some of Mommy's work friends who were also on maternity leave with their new babies. Isaac was the oldest of the newborns Quinn, Lily, and Jarrett, but there were also some fun toddlers to observe: Mason and Anna.  

When Daddy got home Isaac was SO excited to hear all about his day.

Wow Daddy, that is really fascinating! Tell me more!

Oh Daddy, that is so funny! 


my hands are SO delicious! nom nom nom

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