Thursday, June 19, 2014

3 months old!

Wow it is hard to believe Isaac is 3 months old now! We survived the "fourth trimester"!

After our good morning smile session in bed, we started the day with some tummy time after changing into our adorable new Little Monsters elephant diaper cover. 

Here he is taking a little break to suck on his fingers:

Then we changed into our "tie" for our traditional monthly photo shoot. To get him to look up at the camera Mommy had to hold up a mirror to get Isaac's attention. 

Is Isaac trying to wave for the camera?


This is the first month Isaac seemed to notice he was wearing a "tie"

such a little stud

Allie slithered her way in for a few shots

After the photo shoot and morning nap, Isaac spent some time at his gym. Today was the first time he looked at something he wanted to grab. With some help, he held on to the rings of his elephant and swung it back and forth. He did this several times. This probably sounds pretty uneventful, but it's pretty amazing for Mommy and Daddy to see Isaac do these new "tricks". Later in the evening we met with Mrs. Ruthie to talk about Isaac's Baptism.  As Mrs. Ruthie was leaving and saying her goodbyes to Isaac he gave her his first ever belly laugh.  It was an absolutely adorable sound and Mommy can't wait to hear it again and again. 

hugs for Mommy after her workout

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