Sunday, June 22, 2014

First Summer Weekend

The Ernst Rest family enjoyed a fun and productive first weekend of summer.

On Friday Daddy got home just as Mommy was playing George Winston's "Lullaby" trying to lull Isaac to sleep. Isaac almost always falls asleep when Mommy wears him while playing piano. This was the first time using her new ring sling and it was much easier to play piano with this on compared to the other baby carriers we have.  

On Saturday, after some family errands, Daddy explained the World Cup to Isaac. Then we went to "Dads, Drafts & Diapers" at Greenberries where we enjoyed free pizza and beer and checked out some cloth diapering and babywearing workshops. Daddy got fitted for the Ergo baby carrier to help prepare him for his 2 weeks home alone with Isaac.  

Allie wants to learn about the World Cup too
silly Daddy with the Bumbo on his head

family photo at Greenberries

Then on Sunday after church, Isaac and Mommy visited with Mom-Mom-Mom. Then back at home where Mommy prepared for her week at camp, Daddy did yard work, and Isaac enjoyed some gym time grabbing onto things and staring at himself in the mirror.

snacking on clean fingers right out of the bath

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