Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Smiling & Swinging

Not too much to report this week.  When Mommy wasn't exploring new ways to make Isaac smile she was just working on some ice cream crafts for a baby shower she hosted over the weekend. It was a lot of fun!

Isaac also got to spend some more time at Mommy's school while she went in to get her paperwork signed for some extended leave time.  Mommy may still do something a few days a week at her school, but she will not be going back to the classroom next year. It was a hard decision, but both Mommy and Daddy think it's really important that one of them stay home with little Isaac and we're blessed that we can attempt to make that a possibility.  Isaac got to meet Mommy's boss, Ms. Hafiz. She's always been very supportive of Mommy's goals and signed the paperwork saying, "anything for Sir Isaac!" Isaac also got to see many other PPPCS friends.

Isaac had a visit from great aunt Gina and little Grace. Once they warmed up to each other they were exchanging sweet bashful smiles.  

Isaac also had another visit at Mommom's & Poppop's.  He spent a lot of time just laying on the bed staring and kicking at Poppop. Isaac was really showing off how strong his legs are getting. Looks like Poppop Charlie may need to come out of soccer coach retirement to support this budding little kicker! Isaac also had his weekly visit with Mom-Mom-Mom.

special lunch time visit from Mommom

And mornings have turned into pj photo shoots with Isaac stretched out in bed getting cuter by the day.

Isaac is having more and more fun exploring and playing with his toys.  And just when Mommy was ready to sell it, he started to tolerate/enjoy his swing!

enjoying some morning fresh air while Mommy eats breakfast on the deck

Someone finally learned how cozy the swing can be

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