Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

charming the ladies in his summer outfit

Daddy celebrated his first official Father's Day this year. He went to the Oriole's game with all the dads: Poppop Charlie, Grandpa Larry, cousins Buddy, Brandon, Corey, Tim, and Mr. Buddy. Then all the guys came back to Sandy's house where the ladies had prepared a yummy dinner for everyone.  It was a really nice day.
Waiting for the dads to get back from the O's game
Spending time with Brandon and trying out the Oriole's fedora that all the dads got

wardrobe change for Daddy's arrival

The dogs were invited to Sandy's too. At home they never bother Isaac's things, but as you can see, both of them took advantage of Mommy having her hands full feeding Isaac to hang out in his bed and play with his toys (Lady doesn't even play with her own toys!)

the dinner menu
a Father's Day card Daddy received from one of his students. Interesting drawing of "wife"! hehe

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