Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hitting the gym

Isaac has been loving "working out" at his new gym and playing with his new toys, especially Hewie the Hedgehog. He is starting to explore some cause and effect relationships with kicking and grabbing things which has been pretty neat to observe. Isaac's neck is getting much stronger as he tolerates tummy time better.  He has even accidentally rolled over a few times, which we were able to catch on video over the weekend.

*video upload error: stay tuned*

Who is that handsome baby in the mirror?
hanging out with Hewie on the changing table

Allie seems to like being by Isaac's feet when he is in "kick mode"

On Friday Daddy went off for a guy's camping trip, leaving Mommy & Isaac home alone for the night.  We had a big night of smiling, eating, and sleeping (probably pretty similar to how Daddy spent his evening!).

Hanging out with Mommom & Libby after a long morning of yard sales

color coordinated at church: Mrs. Barb & Isaac

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